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At Unique Health by Physiologix, the safety & well-being of our therapists and clients are utmost important. We want to ensure that everyone feels at ease regardless whether they are providing or receiving a treatment. Rest assure that we have measures in place to ensure a clean and safe environment for everyone in the clinic. Therefore, pre-screening questions will be asked prior to each massage treatment and a mask must be worn throughout the appointment. Please note that massage therapists reserve the right to cancel all appointments until further notice if the answer is yes to any of the pre-screening questions, refusal to follow policy and/or if clients present any symptoms.


Pre-screening questions asked are as follows:
1. Have you traveled outside of Canada or been in close contact with someone who has traveled outside of       Canada in the past two weeks?
2. Are you feeling unwell or sick in any way?
3. Is anyone in your household sick or unwell in any way?
4. Have you been in contact with anyone who is currently self-isolating because of COVID-19?

A close contact is defined as a person who:

  • Provided care for individuals experiencing symptoms including healthcare workers, family members or other caregivers, or someone who had other similar close physical contact with the person without consistent and appropriate use of personal protective equipment

  • Lived with or otherwise had close prolonged contact (within 2 meters) with the person while the person was infectious

  • Had direct contact with potentially infectious bodily fluids of the person (e.g. was coughed or sneezed on) while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment

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